This site's primary focus is to create fun, interesting and helpful product reviews. In order to support the site and allow it to continue we try to find 'affiliate links' that relate to the person or product being reviewed. These links look and work the same way as normal links yet the click through the link is tracked by the site being linked to. It may or may not generate a payment.
We think that it doesn't. The reviews remain the same regardless of the product and as they are written by users we have no ediorial influence on the ratings given by this site.
When a product is added to the site we will both manually and algorithmically look for any affiiliate links that could compliment it. We also use the Viglink service to do some automatic affilite link generation. You can read about that service here. Again, as this process is automatically it does not influence our editorial opinion.
A guide on how to fix the problem of forward head posture
A fast and safe way to get your baby to sleep
A complete guide on how to use numerology
A rapid weight loss programme that aims to work within 21days
A guide on how to use the Law of Attraction
A guide on how to live your dreams using manifestation